Our Facilities
From your home to ours.
Where they play
The Children treat Jolly Tots as their second home! The children have the freedom of the majority of the downstairs of the house. This includes playing in a large playroom, which is a bright and airy and has an abundance of resources that are changed around weekly. All resources are low down, to encourage the children to make their own choices. The children are seen moving freely around the room, using the space to engage, learn and develop. The children also play in our well resourced garden, which covers all seven areas of learning. During the warmer weather we spend the majority of the day outside, bringing our inside ideas into the garden. The children however do have the option to come and go freely and this is called “Free flow”. We are fortunate enough to have an undercover awning, which means the children never need to get wet when outside. We also use the kitchen for some of our messy play, fruit preparation with the children and our daily dance studio. The resources are changed weekly and are stored in a big outhouse which the children are encouraged to go into to make their own choices. Children are taught how to prepare their own snacks with real utensils.
- The garden is well stocked and covers all seven areas of learning.
- The resources are changed weekly and are stored in a big outhouse which the children are encouraged to go into to make their own choices.
- Children are taught how to prepare their own snacks with real utensils.
Where they eat
Meal times are a social occasion where the children are encouraged to make their own food choices and use plastic/metal utensils where possible. The kitchen has several highchairs and low tables and chairs, depending on the child’s needs. Most children start off in a highchair and then progress onto the table and chairs.
- Freshly cooked meals
- Attention to allergies and diet requirements
- Large kitchen space
- Children under one / still weaning required to bring in own food.
Where they sleep
We are very fortunate to be able to provide individual full size cots for each child. As part of our extended care plan we make sure that all new starters in their own bedroom. As they progress and are nearing their exit from Jollytots we begin to prepare them for life in nursery by doubling them up (up to three max in a room) to prepare them for life in a nursery.. This we believe supports their transition to co sleeping in a bigger setting. Each child is asked to bring their own bedding so that they are surrounded by familiar and comforting smells. We request that all parents bring into the group, their daily routines which we will then follow.
- Full sized cots
- 2 Per Bedroom Max to say 3
- • Respectful of pre-set nap routines